Monthly Recurring Contribution Goal

Little Limbs Big Purpose:

This is my childhood friend Lisa. Lisa was born without arms or legs. We met in elementary school when my mom was assigned, as her school aid. Lisa went on to graduate high school, college and graduate school. Lisa’s position was eliminated at Regent University, after 19 years of service. She also started Manyata Ministries, with the goal of spreading God’s message of love and acceptance to others.

Lisa was hired by a tech education school in March but unfortunately was laid off two weeks later. This layoff was attributed to the upcoming recession. Lisa has been unemployed once again since April. Like any other 40-something, Lisa’s annual salary paid for her rent, utilities, gas, groceries, insurance, etc. Unlike most other career women, however, Lisa requires at least 12 hours of caregiving per day to help her accomplish personal tasks, such as getting out of bed, getting dressed, using the restroom and eating; tasks most of us take for granted.

Lisa terminated the healthcare agency and began hiring her own caregivers, with private duty shifts. The cost per month is $5,780.

Miraculously, Lisa received Social Security Disability benefits, which began in May. However, the SSDI benefits is not enough to cover all of her expenses; including full-time caregiving, her rent, utilities, gas, groceries, van insurance, renter’s insurance, medical expenses, etc.

If you have been blessed to meet Lisa, you know that there are very few things that she considers obstacles. Her desire to persevere has taught me so much.

If you would like to make a personal contribution to Lisa to help cover the cost of caregiving, you can do so by clicking the Donate button, please consider reoccurring payment option.

Donate Here

The contributions are non-tax deductible. They will be streamlined into her LLC, Little Limbs, Big Purpose.